


Always Revisit Assumptions: Staying Open-Minded in Digital Health

JAD Methodology in Healthcare: Integrating Human-Centered Design and Thoughtful Engineering

Always Revisit Assumptions: Staying Open-Minded in Digital Health

Always Revisit Assumptions: Staying Open-Minded in Digital Health




Always Revisit Assumptions: Staying Open-Minded in Digital Health


4 Min. Read
August 24, 2024

Journey, Empathy

Challenge Assumptions and Focus on Users

As a digital health product designer, developer, or manager, it's easy to think that your past experiences will always guide you to the right solution. However, the rapid evolution of technology and the diverse needs of patients, clinicians, and caregivers require an open mind and a willingness to challenge what you think you know. Here are three tips to help you keep your approach fresh and grounded in human-centered design.

  1. Embrace the Unknown with Humility

Your domain expertise is valuable but can also be a double-edged sword. When you’ve spent years in a field, you might assume you understand what users need without asking them. This can lead to missing solutions because they’re based on past patterns rather than current realities.

The best product teams continuously revisit their assumptions. Instead of relying solely on what you’ve seen work before, approach each new project with the mindset that there’s always more to learn. Engage directly with users—patients, clinicians, caregivers—to understand their unique challenges and how they’re evolving. This humility keeps your products relevant and builds trust with your users.

  1. Foster a Culture of Curiosity

Curiosity is the antidote to stagnation. Encourage your team to ask questions, explore new ideas, and challenge established norms. This doesn’t mean discarding your hard-earned knowledge; instead, it’s about viewing that knowledge as a foundation upon which to build new insights.

One way to foster this culture is by implementing regular “assumption checks.” During project meetings, question the assumptions guiding your design or development process. Are these assumptions still valid? What’s changed in the landscape that might alter your approach? By creating an environment where curiosity is valued, you keep the innovation process alive and ensure that your products meet the market's current needs.

  1. Prioritize User-Centered Design Over Preconceived Notions

Human-centered design puts the user at the heart of the development process. But this can only happen if you’re willing to set aside preconceived notions about what users need. Even if you’ve seen a particular solution work in the past, it doesn’t mean it will work for every user or situation.

To truly adopt a human-centered approach, involve users in the design process. Conduct interviews, run usability tests, and gather feedback at every stage. This iterative process ensures that the final product resonates with its users and helps you avoid the trap of designing for a “typical” user who might not exist.

The most valuable experience isn’t just what you know about a specific domain or technology—it’s what you’ve learned about creating and refining products. By continuously revisiting your assumptions, fostering curiosity, and prioritizing user-centered design, you can ensure that your products remain relevant, effective, and genuinely beneficial to those who use them. In a field as dynamic as digital health, staying open-minded is not just a nice to have; it’s essential for success.

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